A large thank-you to Jeff and Amy


New member
Dec 15, 2010
You guys went above and beyond in helping me through the problem with my Garmon Tow Level 2.
If anyone thought integrity, pride in workmanship and commitment to service were dead, they haven't dealt with Garmon's Diesel Performance.
Glad to hear good feed back my dad is back east and I have him go to one his shops and is happy with the service from Sam.
Treat people the way you would want to be treated, simple huh.....most don't get it but the market will weed all the others out in time. Do the right thing for 20 years and you will be an over night success........I stole that whole sentence!

im new to this site and was talking with source automtive about some charger setups and he told me the best person to talk to would be Jeff Garmon. Can someone steer me on how to get in touch with him through this web site.