Advice on fueling for twins


got Coal for Christmas
Jun 9, 2008
I half-built this thing years ago and ran out of money now decided to go crazy and throw some more money at it like an idiot. But Im not getting any younger and you cant take it with you when you go.
Got some twins comign soon for this engine and will have to re-do all the fueling as well. Truck is going to be doing towing and city hauling duty, so Id like to be as smoke-free as possible.
settled on BD diesels RT700 twins which are 358SXE over 372SXE.
This is on a 215 pump and Id have to go back and re-read some posts about how that timing advance works against fueling. Something about wanting to go larger on delivery valves?
Ill probably get PDDs AFC live tuner on there so Im not spending so much time inside the AFC trying to dial the off-idle fueling.
Will probably add an adjustable timing gear and front cover soon and start off at 18* or so.
Any suggestions on where to start with injectors and delivery valves? something capable of 550 - 600hp or so ID guess.
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You can get an 1/8" NPT inline adjustable air control valve for under $40, simple parts kit with a better spring and you are set.

So get the right AFC spring and foot / plate mods and just set the pressure on the back of the pump rather than in the cab with the AFC live?. would be real convenient to have some adjustability in the cab. question is, is it worth 300 bucks?
Id like to go larger on the injectors than the delivery valves, sounds like thats the cleaner way to do it. What combo would you recommend with that in mind? Im not sure at what point I start to starve the injector if I run too large with too small a DV.