AFC Live


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Jan 16, 2016
Is there any disadvantage to the AFC Live with guage?

For someone that has never went thru the tunning process on a 12 valve for max power/traction/drivability it seems like a real time saver.

Also to be able to tame the truck in the rain or snow. This truck won't tow so no benefits there.

I have done searches and read many posts and watched all of Todds videos.

All I can gather is: Why in the world doesn't every mechanical truck have one of these regardless of power level

The only thing I would like is a kit to be able to mount it the way I want without the box.
Works good if you use the max travel afc kits .. it's only as good as the afc setup spring wise you install
Works good if you use the max travel afc kits .. it's only as good as the afc setup spring wise you install

I figured I would buy PDD spring kit.

This would be after / in conjunction with sending the pump to Seth to get worked over. 180 pump
I got it along with the afc max travel spring..

Since I'm under 30psi of boost 95% of the time, to get anything i have to have the box almost in the lowest settings... IMO the 5/32 line are too small should be 1/4".
Since I have pulled the box off I have ran 1/4" air line from intake to AFC and the truck responded better..
I have similar issue. My AFC LIVE is just barely cracked open. I think I need to put a stiffer AFC spring in it to stop it from overfueling so much.
Having the same issue, swapped in the 40# spring helped but still not enough, i can clean it up on top but not in the midrange.
Full forward as a limiter or take it out, their instructions say take the plate out.