AFC position

the reason you go all the way forward with the starwheel is because it relieves the tention off the spring which allow less boost to move the foot.
It will also keep you from getting full fuel if tighten too much. At least that's what I've seen from trying different springs and tensions.
Stock 180hp spring coil bound at starwheel 1/2 way through plug at 40 psi. I recommend keeping your starwheel at a max of 1/3 thru the plug, if theres too much smoke get a stiffer spring.
What I was getting at is if you correctly modify your AFC, it will not limit rack travel in any position, forwards or backwards. You can put it in any position you like. The AFC jig allows you to tune your AFC off the truck, you can set the foot height, see what pressure the arm begins to move, and what pressure it stops at, how far it moves, when the gov arm will hit the fuel plate, ext. It is useful for tuning, and modifying the AFC.

How can we get our hands on an afc jig that's something i think would do a world of difference for me as far as tuning goes.
great thread. i am also curious where i can get a jig. i am going to try to DD a s469 so i will need alot of tuning
I got mine from a member here who had an extra. But you could easily make one with a scrap piece of metal. The hole placement is just like the top of the governor housing.
Fantastic knowledge here. Has anyone measured the travel of the foot from a no boost position to its full boost position? I am curious about this. I wondered how much cutting off the barrel and modifying the washer, changing the spring length/ or spring rate affected overall travel.
Fantastic knowledge here. Has anyone measured the travel of the foot from a no boost position to its full boost position? I am curious about this. I wondered how much cutting off the barrel and modifying the washer, changing the spring length/ or spring rate affected overall travel.

I didn't measure before I modded but I ended up with around 15mm of travel after removing the typically removed portion of the barrel and making the front and rear washers flat via a grinder.
Ok that's what I'm doing. I never adjust the starwheel. Its all the way forward, I've just been trying different springs. I always keep my tools in the door to tune as needed. I'm just getting to where I can use my preboost screw since I've found a stiff enough spring.

It def takes time but its rewarding.

You said you found a stiff enough spring mind telling where you found it?
how did i miss this thread?
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