Anteater harness schematic


New member
Dec 6, 2018
I. Could use a schematic or pic of the harness for an anteater non pro. Mainly the wires that go in the black box from the controller. 3 wires pulled out on mine and i need to figure out which go where so i can fix it.
Wish I could help, the one in my pile of odds and ends junk is a Pro.
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I'm going to see what I can do.

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Try messaging JoeFarmer. I think he is the one that built it.
He is currently unavailable. Please contact FP support.

Sent from my motorola one vision using Tapatalk
I just need to find out which wire goes to which prong and i can fix mine. Firepunk said 279 for new harnness i did talk to joefarmer. He said i could send it in but i can fix it if i know where the wires go.
Text me and I'll send ya a pictures of mine. I'll be home in a couple hours. 4196317991
I was gonna say the same, guy at work has an original Anteater. Pm me if you need pics of the wiring.