Any interest in how to compound/how to polish video?


Comp Diesel Sponsor
Apr 22, 2006
In a couple of weeks the national sales manager for Presta is paying us visit to see our new operation and if there's an interest I can make a basic how-to compounding (buffing out a panel that has been sanded first) and a polishing video (what you do to your daily driver).

They would be simple videos taken with my digital camera uploaded to photobucket along with written narration.

If you've never heard of Presta its a waterbased system about 1/2 to 1/3 the cost of 3x's As Much Money's products and it works twice as fast as well.

FWIW- I've literally made a 1000 body shop calls/demos with this guy over the years and you'll be hard pressed to find someone better at what he does.

Just a thought...
Make it Andy, I could use the help on my Merc, and I've even promised a certain buggy driver he can practice on the goat before touching something important LOL LOL
Yea I'd like to see if there is anything I can do to my dakota.
Hell yeah, Andy. I'd love all the learnin I can get.

I just got a DeWalt polisher and the 3M wheel and pad system. I really want to get some practice on a few panels before I attempt to go after something I care about. Billy has offered up the goat once I start to get the hang of it. LOL

I use a couple compounds with non-rigid abrasives that I have been practicing on anything around I can find with pretty good results. What do you recommend? Rigid or Non rigid abrasives? I like the non as it breaks down and keeps me from eating away too much. It also keeps the pad cost down as I don't have to have one for every compound. The stuff is, Wizards.

This thing does scare me. You can really level a surface. I haven't burned anything... yet. But it's a far cry from the orbital polishers both in skill required and the potential quality of results. I've got the shiniest original paint 79 EZGO around. LOL All flat panels, minimal contours. Next I'll give a go at something with some contour.

Any seeds of wisdom, both on here and in these videos you may shoot will be appreciated.

My apologies but Gus called me from where he ended up when in town, which was Conyers (well East of ATL), asking for our new address and needless to say once he mapquested it and reliazed we were now in the mtns in the on NC border he realized he would never find us then make his return flight to PA on time.

No big deal though. We've been up to our ears in work and property upgrades as of late with little time to spare but when I go home this weekend I'm going to scoop up a camera tripod and a few supplies I lack to make this video myself by myself because a promise is a promise.

Sorry for the delay but whether we are making product or making building improvements we always seem to do everything at once never staggering tasks.

Once again my apologies for the delay!
