Anyone know what this plug is for?


New member
Dec 31, 2006
Trying to figure out what this plug is used for, and whether it should have oil at it or not. It's right above the rear of the CP3 in the factory location.

Buddy has a leak coming from here. He's been chasing a leak for weeks it seems, from the rear main to resealing the oilpan. Think it might be narrowed down to this.


Right above the CP3

Any help is appreciated. And does a new one get hammered back in with no sealant, or use something to help seal?

Thanks fellas
I would think there's coolant there..But not sure..

You talkin about Joey having the oil leak on that side?
If so, he left me a vmail last night while I was asleep.. I was gonna call him back today..
Dunno about Cummins but I have had motors with what looks like small freeze plugs leak oil. They are the same as the coolant plugs but are in oil passages. I always just popped them out and tapped block for a pipe plug.

I would also think it's coolant, but there's a possibility it could be an oil galley for maybe a marine app or something. I just don't know if there should be oil there or not
I was focused on the big freeze plug... Talk to Joey and he sent me pics.. The small on is more than likely for oil...