ATS 3-piece manifold


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Has anybody received a manifold that was already assembled? I have an ATS I'm getting ready to install. I checked the flanges on a straight-edge and they aren't quite on plane. The rear 3 only seem to be off by an 1/8" to 1/4" at most. What can be done to get them all in line? The instructions sent with it only cover assembling the pieces. Would heating the assembly in an oven necessary to do this? I've thought of using a block of wood and sledge hammer while the manifold is on a close-enough-to-level surface. A friend of mine said being that small of an amount, they will probably pull in when tightening the bolts. I'd be concerned about breaking the ears off of the head if the manifold refuses to budge. I'd like to get this done today, if possible. Any help would be appreciated.
Toss it on and it'll be fine, or get it apart with a vice and pry bar, or just some muscle.

For putting it back together, grab some Parker O-Lube.
on ones that are assembled but twisted out of line, i bolt it to the head with no gaskets and maybe 15-20 ftlbs on the bolts then i heat the joints until it pulls flat.
Find a flat spot on a cement floor, and persuade it straight by either stepping on it carefully, or picking it up a couple inches off the floor and dropping it straight down. Done that to three of those and works dang near perfect. It'll definitely get it close enough to get all of the bolts started, then torque them down, it'll get straight.
When I did mine I just bolted it to the old manifold and it pulled down flat.
Good suggestions. I actually ended up standing on it while it was on the garage floor. It moved without much effort. The rear piece did need to move upward (as mounted) a little once I hung it on the head. I tightened the front and mid sections, stuck a pry bar under it and against the short head bolt at #6 and gently pried up. Again, moved without much effort. Thanks again.

I did find what I think may be leaking valve seals though. :eek:
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