Bad Helo Rims


Cummins Jenyeus
Mar 23, 2009
Does anyone have any tricks besides taking them off and spending all day scrubbing the hell outta them? Or maybe u got something you use to help cut the nasty off. I gotta have them sparkling before T.I.M.
for polished wheels i always used mother polish and a buffing wheel that i made to to just fit my cordless drill, sometimes you might get a black look like when you scuffed your shoes on a floor, but just add some more mothers and it will come right off done this many of times. It bet the hell out of spending all day polishing them
If they are chrome like my Helos use Purple Power-Dust Off cleaner.

It's in the black bottle and works wonders. I spray all wheels and right after spraying the last wheel I wash it off because it will eat things quick. Very good cleaner. i was impressed.
Any CARQUEST should have it. They usually carry two types...all purpose and the dust off. I prefer the dust off. I can run my truck for 2 weeks in rain and water and the wheels can get covered in dust yet they still sparkle.
That Purple Power sounds like it's an acid based cleaner, so be careful using it because that will destroy your wheels if you leave it on too long or if you use it every time you wash your wheels.
It is acid based. Like I said, I spray all four wheels and as soon as I get done with the fourth I go back and wash them off. After using this stuff for a year at every wash it has had no ill effect on my wheels. I thought they were shiny before I had used it and this stuff made them bling.
It took brake dust off that scrubbing wouldn't. I use it on my exhaust tip, wheels, and back and front bumpers. It took the soot stain right off the back bumper with no scrubbing at all. Takes the crap off of the tip very easily.
If you have polished aluminim though, stay clear from this cleaner. It will stain/haze it. For chrome I have found no better cleaner so far.
I use Aluminum Brightner on the hard stuff, just spray on & rinse off [acid]. If there is pitting, I sand with 400 wet & red scotchbrite pad, then grey scotchbrite. Then just hit it with a buffer using Mothers metal polish & turns out like glass.
heyy thanks for all the suggestions im gonna have to git on them i think im gunna have to wet sand them they are alum... and my computer died so i havent been on in awhile
Have you used what I suggested? I have yet to find anything better and that's with two years of working at a parts store trying every brand I could get my hands on...