Bd Turbo Install


New member
May 1, 2006
Well after spending SAT and SUN installing the BD turbo I can honestly say , IT WAS A TEST IN PATIENCE. It will test your nerves, the positions you have to get in to reach some bolts are just ........painful. Your forehead becomes a third appendage to balance on . Your arms look like you were fighting a cougar. Your knees will hurt for a few days . You better have a 3 way universal socket .( Home Depot has a cool one that worked great) plenty of 12 mm 12 points and a lot of pain tolerance.

I will tell any one interested in doing this a few tips I did not do at first and had to do after the fact. First I would recommend running a tap through the up pipe holes to make sure they are fully taped, also pre- Mount the pedestal to check for fit. You may have to open up the holes a bit, I had too! Mostly the one under the wast gate. I also ported the pedestal exhaust openings for air flow.

The Intake elbow also had to be relieved and flattened a bit to fit properly in the valley to clear the wire loom that runs at a 45 degree angle . All this was fine if I knew I had to do this . I just wish I knew it prior to setting the turbo and pedestal in , and having to remove it and the bolts for tweaking.

All in all when Im done it will look stock and not patched together. As I dont have to rush to get it back on the road. Im hoping to have it on the road Friday ,(I have to go out of town tomorrow and Thursday) . Ill post a few pics and test results ASAP

I cant wait to hear the spool up and the whistle , AND 45LBS BOOST WILL BE NICE TOO!

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Damn! all that work and you have to wait until Friday to try it. I guess it will be that much sweet'r When you do get to drive it. Good luck hope she runs hard!
Yes, patiance is not one of my virtues. The install would be difficult with any turbo as it is a tight affair down there.

YES IT WILL KILL ME TO WAIT ! We will see how this one will run .
Well its in and up and running. I did some preliminary driving to get all the things settled in. There were no leaks and no issues so far. All I can say is WOW ! 42 lbs and holding it at 130 !

This was me after 3 beers waiting for it to cool off !


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driving today was fun ! The trans has learned its new found power and is shifting fine . It comes on like the Milinium Falcon in Hyperspeed.
Nice man...I'm glad it all came together for ya.
I'm also glad I don't work on too many D-Max's.....damn ,those things look worse than a 6.0 to work on.
Sounds sweet..... Cant wait till I get my charger put on...
Initially this thing is sweet, I will have the Dual fuelers on soon to really test the water. I will have a few more tunes to try with it soon.
yes ! they will be on tomorrow or Sat for sure, along with the MITUSA !, I will report back !
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Well It was 75 out and I was out burning some extra fuel ! I tested a new tune and its just as smooth as it can be. It works so well with my new Trans and converter. (Merchant-ized 4 and a 1057) I cant wait to test it at Merchant's. The tune was tweaked to run more efficient on the dual cp3 with keeping the cylinder psi in check. Egts are very low for such a big tune and its response is nothing short of amazing. It is vertually smoke free , using as much of the fuel as it can with out flooding it. The shifting is as smooth as I have tested in such a big tune. I will have my wife be driving it this weekend as I think it is that smooth and drivable . We will be tweaking some more for the final dyno at Merchant's.
Awesome Chris...I'm Jelouis..Congrads..Keep us informed of the numbers.
What were the numbers? Im puttin my new supermax charger on tomorrow nite. I too ported the pedistal.