Best place to drain radiator from

I HATE those plastic petcocks.

I always just stick a small tube down the radiator and syphone all the coolant out. It is a lot cleaner, and you can just send it all to a 5 gallon bucket.

That's the way I've always done it.
I wish I could just find the damn petcock!

How do you syphon? Iv seen people suck on the tube and get the fluid in their mouth, is this the correct method

-no homo haha
The petcock should be on the drivers side at the bottom. If you want to siphon use clear platic tube so you can see the fluid before it gets to your mouth.
the o ring in the petcock can be a pain. when i blew a hg i opened it a few times and it broke and leaked.
yup broke mine also on the last fluid change. Got it to stop leaking so next time I will siphen or vacuum:)