Billet front cover


New member
Nov 3, 2013
I bought one of your front covers for my pull truck that's machined out so that the belt and pulleys will clear. Go to put my ATI damper on, and the pulley hits the cover, before the hub touches the crankshaft. Just for fun I tried the stock damper, the rubber on the back hits the cover too. Not sure what I should do. I was hoping to have the truck running by the weekend and really don't want to have to start taking things back apart. At this point I'd go at it with a grinder, but I'm scared because I know there is a recess in the back where the oil pump is. I don't know how much room I have to play with before I grind through a $400 cover. The fan pulley bracket is touching slightly too.
Any suggestions?
Not sure what is going on. We have sold this cover for 3 years now and no problems that I'm aware of. I have the same cover on my engine as well and no issues. Got pics?
I've used that cover with an ATI damper with no issues. Might be just a machining defect? Those can happen.
what year engine? I have heard of thrust bearings falling out of early 12v's, could possibly be your issue
I lost the thrust in the one that's in my ford now, if memory serves end play was 170 or 180 thousandths. Be easy to just check it.
Its a 24v, originally a 53 block, but that cracked it was replaced before I bought the truck, not sure what block it has now.
Not just the balancer hitting its the fan pulley too. I only put the bracket on yesterday, which was hitting slightly but would turn. I wasnt thinking the pulley would stick back past the bracket. So when I put the pulley on today and tightened the bolts it locked down tight also. I dont think there is enough room for a belt anyway.

balancer pulley

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It just don't make sense. We have been selling ridiculous amounts of these covers and never a issue. I am very confused. No idea why it don't fit. We need to figure this out tomorrow. Can you give me a call?
Took out the gasket tonight. Fan pulley is clear now, ATI hub is touching the crankshaft(best I can tell) but the pulley is still hitting the cover.