Billet shaft didn't shatter? pics inside

Chris Mallett

12ver Swap Idiot
Apr 10, 2008
I am going to measure the pump to see if can be salvaged, but I am guessing it will not check out well. Anyone have a suggestion of who to get a pump from? And opinions on what input shaft to go with
I can get you a pump if you can't find one local to you.

Aermet from TCS in British Columbia. I haven't been able to break one!!!
Kinda looks like my old one but mine broke off and splintered.

Hey Skynyrd, had you broken a flexplate prior to that? I had broken mine and think it may have bent the shaft. I see we have the same rub marks along the side of the shaft. Mine started slipping in overdrive and I pulled it down for clutches, finding this and perfect clutches.
I had a laminated flex plate in mine from the time I installed the trans with that shaft. You got lucky you caught it when you did cause when mine went it took the stator and TC with it. It sounds like it started slipping due to the input shaft seals starting to fail causing the slipping in the clutches.
Yes sir, I feel real fortunate to have caught this due to slipping only. I knew that something was wrong when the converter would not slide out. I broke a billet flex about 6 or 7k miles ago. I thought this may have started the bend, then it progressed with my right foot. Anyone think I need to ship off the converter to check/ clean it?
I would it doesn't cost much or take that long. Doesnt look like youd have much if any debris in it but better safe then putting it back together and then having to tear it back down
I had a similar one, but it shattered more than yours. It also kind of banana peeled, it had cracks all the way to the hub which I thought was amazing for a non locked shift!! It also didn't take out the pump.


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I'm not sure whos shaft it was, but the trans was originally built/purchased by Floor it diesel. The trans has been beat on for 70k+ miles and the clutches look great. It originally came with a DTT super single and I swapped it for a SC triple when it lost lockup.
Been there a few myself.. Very good that it didn't completely let go and take out other stuff..

Hope you get it back up soon my friend.
Thanks David, I already had a new set of clutches and plates from TRE, so the overdrive unit is already rebuilt and turning our attention to the front. I suppose the holdup will be getting the input and pump.