Breaking in a Turbo

I love to stare and touch.
I actually have a pre break in ritual, where I leave the turbo on the work bench for maybe two or three hours without looking at it, or touching it. Then.... when it's good and lonely, I start the pre install caressing.

Ya that makes sense, I will usually stroll around wop shop looking over every now and again to see how it looks and if its looking back.
I have a oil syringe. I inject the turbo as i spin it.Then i run it for 5 minutes or so.And......done.
Cummins and Cats are fired off in the factory, put through their paces, shut off and shipped. We installed em in the trucks. Fire up em, run them through alignment, and then I'd load the thing down on the dyno!
sometimes..... i can feel how hot it gets..... just knowing i'm watching it
always put oil in it before starting but i take it a step further on my truck, i hold the compressor wheel with my fingers (yes i know not the best idea...) while the truck is SHUT OFF!!!!(bad idea while running!!!) and have someone start it and keep it from spinning for about 10 sec., that way i know it's got plenty of oil, and im very religous about shutting off at 300-350deg. excessive heat at shut down will kill any turbo.

Noticed no response from E.D., are they at an event or something?

I talked to Chris today, he said he seen the thread but hasn't had the time to post. So i asked him over the phone what he thought i should do. I was told by him that i needed to put the oil in and work it around before hooking up the line, start the truck after the install let it idle to temp while listening for abnormal sounds, shut it down look for leaks. If all is will take it on a 10 to 15 mile drive being nice to it roll into it a bit not WOT and let out easy during that drive. turn around to head home and give it HELL :charger: