Buyer Beware "anythingdiesel"


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I want to share the worst dealings I've ever had with a company. I do
not take pleasure doing this. But the amount of hassle, and the fact
they STOLE my core charge from me. I feel it's in everyone's best
interest to know what crooks they are.

First and foremost. I bought a BD valve body from them that I won off
ebay. Only to be lead on a string of lies/

I won the auction (actually it was a best offer deal) and paid
promptly. Well wait around a week and nothing shows. No tracking
number nothing. I make about 20 calls to them. They FINALLY answer
the phone. And I'm given a tracking number.

It gets better at this point.

I enter the tracking number. It's for someone else's package. You
might think it's a mistake? Nope. They were trying to bluff me.
Thinking I wouldn't notice the location of destination. I'm ticked at
this point. I call up BD and find out the scum dealer JUST placed my
order at that point.

I call back to the stealer. They agree THEY "made a mistake" and
offered to right me on it. They did indeed refund me $75. That
righted me financially. And all was good to me.

So I get the VB installed, everything works fine. I PAID to ship the
VB back to BD thinking I'd get my $100 core charge back. Since it
does have my name and all on the paper work.

Nope! BD's paperwork shows the core goes back to anythingdiesel
instead. I only find this out by calling BD back asking where in the
heck is my core charge. They tell me that it'd be the resellers
responsibility to refund the core as they've already sent it to them.
I understand that BD is just doing as the paperwork shows. But I'd
have expected them to exercise a little more recourse with flakes like
this instead of brushing me aside. Especially since I've also got a
torque converter of theres in my truck.

Fast forward to now, several emails and calls. No response. I know I
won't get any. But they'll be getting the link to this thread via
email. Hope they enjoy loosing customers due to their shady actions.

So I'd like to say, DON'T deal with these clowns. Support our forum vendors!
so they only jacked you for $25 in the end... cheap way to learn what we all know/understand/live/etc.

Yeah technically. But my beef is all the lies they fed me and how the handled (or didn't handle) the issue.

It took a month total to get the valve body in my hands.
the cost isnt the problem. luckily it was cheap. but there is no difference between $25 and $2500. you dont hose customers.

now, this is only 1 side, as there are always 2......
the cost isnt the problem. luckily it was cheap. but there is no difference between $25 and $2500. you dont hose customers.

now, this is only 1 side, as there are always 2......

Well said. I could produce all the times, payments, and all emails I've sent to them. But that's a bit much. I've stated the "more than on side" argument before in other discussions. I have no problem with that. Just wanted to inform people of my dealings.
the cost isnt the problem. luckily it was cheap. but there is no difference between $25 and $2500. you dont hose customers.

now, this is only 1 side, as there are always 2......

I don't hose customers... it's not right to hose customers... but people DO hose customers...

support site vendors that DON'T hose customers! :eek:

nah, I would never stick up for a crook. I'm just saying that this forum is a great resource for knowledge AND parts... and the vendors that advertise on and support this site are great people, and even if you have to spend a smidge more than some schmoe on ebay, the customer support is more than worth the extra pennies!
Amen to that one Forrest. I bought a clutch from a guy in kentucky to save some money and that was the worst money i ever saved. I bet i ate triple that amount shipping the dang thing back and forth to make it right. He was a nice guy and still is but not buying a SBC at that time cost alot of downtime and helped buy UPS another truck. Tim

nah, I would never stick up for a crook. I'm just saying that this forum is a great resource for knowledge AND parts... and the vendors that advertise on and support this site are great people, and even if you have to spend a smidge more than some schmoe on ebay, the customer support is more than worth the extra pennies!

+1000 sir, +1000!
Seems posting this on a dozen or so sites has prompted an email back. I'll keep everyone updated on what they say.
I have to say, they have refunded the balance as of last night. I hate that it took this much to be done right. But they did eventually make it right.
thanks for the tip and i am glad you finally got your cash back but my guess is you might not have if you wouldnt have started raisin cain about how the deal went down...