Cam gear walking with VE pump


New member
May 31, 2009
Anyone seen this before? I have heard of it with p7100s, but not really the ve engines. The truck had a schied ve on it. Just thought it was interesting

Resistance from the pump and the gears being helical the pattern pushes the gear out.
Resistance from the pump and the gears being helical the pattern pushes the gear out.

Guess i should have been more specific. Send like the 14mm guys see this but what about everyone else? Is it case pressure or timing causing enough pressure on the gear to do this?
Nope, never heard of it on a 12mm....of course there is what, a few dozen VE's over 500hp in the country?

Edit...400hp lol
Had a customers 150 hp bone stock engine do that, thrust surface on the cam had quite a bit of wear too.
Jason...things are good...truck is good. Have had a lil rash of breaking stuff lately. Hopefully get it to stay together and get it down the track this month.

I've seen this issue on one high milage 12mm truck. Tapped the cam for a retainer and run a retainer on my 93 aswell.
This is a real pita issue from Cummins. Better this than a weak bottom end I suppose.