Comp D Stocker to Rocker charity raffle

ill be sure to get one just don't have a job since my accident, but i think i can afford one!!!
So I just paypal the address in the 1st post for $25 or how ever many tickets I want?
PM sent

I joined so I could donate to a great charity! This is a great contest. Thanks for your time to set it all up.
Gentleman, and ladies, it just keeps getting better, Mike Dilehay, (BIGRPOWER) just called, and he talked to Brian at Black widow. Brian has added a Spearco intercooler to add to the stash.

HOLY BEJESUS, someones truck is gonna be crazy.
Sent Payment. Thanks CompD and Sponsors. :bow: I am glad it is going to good cause. :woohoo:
This gets better by the day it seems. Someone is gonna be SERIOUSLY happy.
If much more stuff shows up I'm gonna retire as a MOd and take a few stabs at it myself. LOL
By my quick calculations...this is now over 5 grand worth of product.
Many thanks to all the sponsors who are making this happen.
As of tonight, you have a 1 in 49 chance. Pretty freakin good odds.