CompD Stickers

Like this one?


I'm neutral. I like either one and will buy either one that is chosen. By saying it wont fit a second Gen do you mean the back window or extended cab window? Sorry for the dumb question.

The one on CPSimpson's truck is 2" x 22" that won't fit on a 2nd gen truck so I shrunk it down to fit. They will be 18" by 1.5".
How do we go about purchasing these? I need one for my second gen and one for my third gen
Ever get the skull one finished yet? I want to order that one along with the white and red one
I like the white and red on CPSimpson's truck. I'll have to take some dimensions to see which would fit on my truck in various locations/positions.


Are the basic white stickers italicized or standard?
Where can I get one of these?

Bump, me too!

I have the red/white. What ever size it is fits perfectly over back window in the center where that black piece is.

Sent from my F'n space phone
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I'm working on a bunch right meow. The skull with pistons, the red/white ones and the large ones in post 152.
You will have a order from me as well thanks for working to make these.
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