Core 6.7l teardown


Mar 21, 2014
Bought a core, seller said the block and head are good. 2012 engine with rear cam bearing(sweet!)

Initial inspection:
Oil pan sump is wrinkled up, fubar
ac pump sheared a bolt off in the cast bracket, same bracket is the lower coolant outlet, which has a chunk missing from the neck.
Upper pulley is bent
Valve cover bolts are out, VC flopping around.
Engine is very complete, exh. Manifol w/egr, balancer, injectors, cp3, harness.Unknown miles.

All vavletrain looks good and tight
Bores look good
4 pistons are barely scuffed bottom of the skirt(debris)
Rods and main caps are loose, missing bolts or finger tight
Mains look ok, not great, couple caught debris from rods
3 rod journals are ugly

What else should I look for? Crash(?) caused oil starvation, munched bearings? These cranks are $$fn$, probably should have bought a runner.
Sounds like a wrecked one, or one that had an oiling issue and got tossed in an iron/core pile, once they realized the crank was toast.

I've bought and sold hundreds of 6.7s, seen everything you can imagine, damage wise.
It's to the point nothing I see in one surprises me anymore. :D

Even a perfectly good runner can lose a rod bolt or a seat in short order.
There are no certain things in life, just good or bad averages.

Make sure that the accident didn't smack the crossmember or anything off the snout of crankshaft. If it did I'd scrap the block. You can usually tell by the balancer being bent or broken. I've seen the energy of the crash transfer through the crank and break mains. As long as it magneflux's ok I'd say send it!!