CPP Bumper Group Buy Starts Now!


Apr 16, 2007
We are ready to do the group buy on our new CPP bumpers. If we can get 10 guys to commit, here is the price break down....

Front bumpers $499 shipped

Rear Bumper $399 shipped.

Both front and Rear $799 shipped

If you want them welded, add $300/each

Who is in on the deal? Post here...
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I am still wanting to see more pics of the rear bumper before I commit.

Here is all I have in my phone. Before it is painted.....



And here is a crappy photo of front....


Again, these bumpers can be changed or modified to your likings.
Well guys, we now have 7 bumpers paid for. Only need 3 more to start running them. Lets go guys!
I really like the front bumper. Are you making them for an 05 3500 dodge? Also where are you located?
I'll have the 03-05 soon after the 06 style is finished. We are located in East Millsboro, PA. About one hour from Ohio border on Route 70.
Last day of the sale guys! Prices go up $200 tomorrow. Thats $400 savings on the package deal. Don't miss out!
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Good day today! Thanks guys. Sale ends now. I also made a executive decision today. I am no longer gonna offer the bumpers built. I am losing too much time on injectors and designing new bumpers to make it worth my time. These can easily be built by any decent fabricator in a day.