Delivery valves..


Pro Wrench Turner
Feb 18, 2008
Anyone have any delivery valves laying around they want to sell me? I'll take anything doesn't matter what they are..
lol can i push you for them? LOL

seriously tho, how much you want for them?
i have some scheid dv's. they flow 65cc's more than stock. guess they would be something like a full cut. 9 months old. $275 shipped OBO.
$150 takes a set of full cuts shipped to your door.

not really looking to spend money on performance DV's.. Thanks for the offer tho.. I just need any old set..

You bastard!


I figure $5 to ship and rest for beer.

LOL Roach if i see you in KY I'll buy you a beer.. but the DV's sound good. Do you paypal?

i have some scheid dv's. they flow 65cc's more than stock. guess they would be something like a full cut. 9 months old. $275 shipped OBO.

See my reply to brandon..
I have a set of stock DV's out of a '95 160 pump. make me an offer.
Still need a set?!? Hell, I'll buy every single cheap set of dv's I can until I'm broke! Send me a pm with your price, man! Thanks in advance.