Diesel V12 Meteor Conversion -01


New member
Jan 3, 2011
New to the site and still learning my way around.
If any of you have seen my recent introduction, you'll be aware of my crackpot idea to convert a Rolls-Royce Meteor V12 from avgas to Diesel (jet-A).
I figured this "Alternative..." area would be the best place for me to ramble while I learn more about what it takes to make soot. :)

I'll start with a basic question about the casting webs around the crank...
My engine has cylinder wall thicknesses of almost .3", which will - hopefull - be enough. I need to do some calculations on the material stress loads as they transfer down through the block. What are some of the crank journal and block webbing thicknesses of your engines? I could make a girdle if need be, but, while I'm trying to analyse what I have, I'd like to learn from the successful builders.
Hmmm, I might know someonoe that knows something about what you're doing.

We need to talk about fasteners and stuff too. I think I've found something viable for the fuel distribution after our discussion the other evening.

Thanks for the help. Anything I can learn from people who live it daily will advance the effort.
What do you want to know about fasteners?
What's your fuel dist. idea?
Your idea about the Delphi fuel distributors is intriguing. I'm sure it will bring up the debate between rotatary vs. inline fuel distributors durability, but either way, I still believe that the two pumps, each running half of the engine, will suffice for redundancy.
I really like your idea about the machined girdle or ladder for the main caps.