

Diesel for life.
May 9, 2007
Just found
this on another site. Another reason DfC is so important!

The End of Christian America
"The percentage of self-identified Christians has fallen 10 points in the past two decades. How that statistic explains who we are now—and what, as a nation, we are about to become...."
Just found
this on another site. Another reason DfC is so important!

The End of Christian America
"The percentage of self-identified Christians has fallen 10 points in the past two decades. How that statistic explains who we are now—and what, as a nation, we are about to become...."

From national reporting agencies that Christian faith in 1900 was 34.5% - today 33% Worldwide! I don't know where they got their numbers! Muslims gained the 1.5% in over 100 yrs. The US still shows 75% of the population is Christian faith!

The numbers confirmed by 3 or 4 other web sites! We are still here in strong numbers!:clap:
... especially when you count all the Christians in His secret service! :hehe:
I still wonder how many profess to be christians but their actions show otherwise. Just food for thought.

Adam M.
Im only going to say one thing on the subject.
Acting christian and being christian are two different things no doubt. But once your saved you can NEVER be unsaved. Wheather you show it or not.
Accepting the gracious gift of eternal salvation from God through his Son doesn't make us perfect... but it does begin the work of perfection in us He promised. :bow:

Phillipians 1:6
"... being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ, " NKJV (my fave!)

Being Christian doesn't mean you won't stumble & fall - it just gives you the best reason ever to get back up and launch. :tree:
I still wonder how many profess to be christians but their actions show otherwise. Just food for thought.

Adam M.
I can stand in a garage but that doesn't make me a car....$.02
Im only going to say one thing on the subject.
Acting christian and being christian are two different things no doubt. But once your saved you can NEVER be unsaved. Wheather you show it or not.
Question is, were they truly saved in the first place? Its not for us to say but I have a feeling many will be shocked to hear:umno: followed shortly thereafter by a "depart from me for I never knew you."
No matter how "good" we are, we slip! Just remember to whom we belong!
I couldn't agree more. Thanks God for grace. Literally. My prayer is that more people become aware of and understand "to whom" it is that they belong. Most may claim it but really don't know and its a shame. They can tell you the easter story and the christmas story but don't know really to whom they are refering. I guess that's why its our job to inform them.:rockwoot:
Praise God and to Him be the glory.