DIY water/meth


ex Jerry Haas employee
May 9, 2010
Yes, I did try the search function. Surely someone has built their own just wondering what you used parts wise and how it all worked out. Post pics if ya got em.
It's not really worth it building your own, did my first in 03' then moved over the snow performance and did the initial R/D for Matt, I used a normal pump like I have on my yard sprayer and tee jet nozzles (don't laugh) and was pumping a gallon of water a minute through the motor, system turned on with a boost switch! When I went over to Matt's setup the usage was cut in half and the HP and EGT loss was the same with better atomizing. Just info for you, you can do what ever you wish!

I don't know if it will help you much but I built my own for my 1100 cc 3cyl in my pulling garden tractor. I got most of the parts on ebay from Coolingmist and another outfit called Becooling. The pump is a 250psi from Coolingmist. The nozzles and check valve also came from them. The boost switch and plastic hose came from Becooling. I made a custom manifold out of a block of aluminum. I'm running one nozzle in each intake port and one or two in the crossover pipe. Right now I'm at about 650cc/min. I used 3/16" steel brake line from the manifold to the nozzles because I was afraid the plastic line would soften and blow out from the heat. I also plumbed a hobbs switch into the water manifold that turns on a light when there is water pressure in the system. I build bost at the line till the light comes on then start rolling out.
I built my own...

250psi pump from coolingmist

Bought the nozzles and hose and fittings from coolingmist as well.

Found a 1 gallon plastic tank somehwere and modified it (just WOT use).

Coolingmist was good to deal with on a 1 part here, 1 part there basis.. prices seemed decent for piecing it together. You can also search Amazon for some of the connectors and hosing... pretty cheap place to get some of those little parts.

System works good!
If you are going to DIY, then you need to figure out everything you want, and build it the way you want. Do you want a single nozzle, single activation, progressive, etc. How much are you going to be flowing. Tank, hose, location etc. DIY is good for those who have already done a kit or two. Work out where everything is going to go, then buy what you need to get it there.