dummy help on updating v2


New member
Feb 13, 2011
I am not understanding on how to update the v2 to the newest version. I have downloaded the 7.5 and 8 and uninstalled them and back to installing them. still cant figure out how to update the v2. i keep getting codes popping up. All i want to do is get this updated so i can get a tune writen for my truck and back on the road so i can data log and prepare for a dyno coming up.

Please help, but beware.. you might have to dummy it down for me.. I thought updating the smarty was hard. so umm yea.

I am not understanding on how to update the v2 to the newest version. I have downloaded the 7.5 and 8 and uninstalled them and back to installing them. still cant figure out how to update the v2. i keep getting codes popping up. All i want to do is get this updated so i can get a tune writen for my truck and back on the road so i can data log and prepare for a dyno coming up.

Please help, but beware.. you might have to dummy it down for me.. I thought updating the smarty was hard. so umm yea.


You update the v2 via efilive exployer. Plug in ur v2 and open up the exployer. It will bring up an update window. Click update and your done.
Well I guess I'm going to wipe everything off the computer and try again. I click on the help tabs on every icon and it says its not supported. Hmm can't seem to even get help lol.
Frustrating for how dumb I am with this stuff but willing to learn. So should I start with the cd or just straight from the website download. And should I download both or just v8? I'm obviously doin something wrong but have no clue what.
Thanks guys for your patients.
Where did you purchase your unit from? They should be helping if needed.

Go to efilive.com and download V7.5 and V8. Then plug in your V2 to the computer and open V8 efi scan and tune (from your desktop). A bubble will pop up in the lower right hand corner, click that. choose firmware and update there. You'll be good to go.
Bootblock and firmware are different. And I'm not seeing how to update them or make them the same.
ok the bootblock says.. 2.07.04 date- dec, 12. 2011

and firmware is 2.07.28 date - may, 02, 2012

it also say its ok.. but not getting it to download to v2.. :S:
Do I have to do something with my license first? Or does it already know
You really should contact the person you purchased from for help.
Your boot block and firmware look fine now.

In terms of reading out your tune/flashing your truck to get started you really should open and read the Cummins Quick Start Guide. You will find this by clicking on Start>All Programs >EFILive>V8>Documents>Dodge Cummins Quick Start.pdf

Thank you Cindy..

I have done that exact same thing but i get a $11 error or code. it wont let me read my stock file.

Im not sure if the v2 is updated or not. i know everything is good to go on the pc end.
I got that #11 code when I tried to see what was going on with my other tuner when it was still loaded into the truck. Once I put the other tuner back to total stock, V2 was able to read the ECM just fine.
Hmm.. maybe I need my truck reflashed??? I put it back to stock before I even started with efi.
What tuner were you using prior to efilive? If it was a smarty, the ecm may be blocked from reading out. If so you will need to get a good clean file to work with.
Grab a file from the compd tune library and use that as your base file

i accidently loaded efi over the smarty without returning it to stock...i guess my smarty is a paper weight now lol...efi loaded fine....i wouldnt even risk reloading the smarty, changing vin's again, ect...trucks runs way to good...
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Tan, are you trying to read your stock tune with just the V2 or pass-through to your computer?