Dynamat alternative?



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. hope this helps


I've been looking at some sound deadeners as I have my interior out right now to redo my floor pans.

I took out my carpet and powerwashed and vacuumed it. I removed both layers of that jute/foam backing, so now it's just the carpet with the heavy rubber layer. That jute stuff takes up maybe 1/2"-3/4", so I was thinking of just getting some of this:


I'm talking about the heavy duty heat reflecting 1" thick stuff.

Anybody think this would work as well or better than the Dynamat, etc.?
Foam will sound deaden, but it is only one part of the actual three-part solution: a vibration damper (such CLD tiles, Dynamat, etc.), a foam layer (such as closed cell foam), and then a sound blocker (such as mass-loaded vinyl). The stuff you linked to would work, but I would do a vibration damper before I did foam.
Do you think it would be better than what was in there from the factory?

I'm not looking for the cab to ride like a coffin or have an acoustically-tuned amphitheater, I'd just like something better than stock, and be able to hear myself think when on the highway.

I think if I put a layer of this stuff on the floor up to the firewall, rear of the cab (I have an extended cab), and inside the rear panels, it will significantly reduce the road and engine noise, or at least more so than what comes from the factory.

I plan on eventually getting a Donaldson 51" muffler to complement the added soundproofing also.
Yes but put something down first. Like fatmst, dynamat etc, use a healthy adhesive and apply the foam.
Will work wonders in a stock truck
Give it a try and let us know. But you do realize this stuff is $3.73 per square foot for what you want to order? It's going to take 60-80 sq ft of material to cover what you want, which is going to be $223.80 to $298.40. If it works, it's worth it. I just don't understand why you would spend that much on something that is questionable in the execution of its purpose when (for probably less money) you could get something proven like Don's products or Fatmat and know it will work.
Foam won't do any deadening. It will only help with really high frequencies. The drone and lower frequencies will pass right through that foam. Think wave lengths and density of product.