Thanks for the info:Cheer:. The less injection events per cycle the easier on the injectors right? Post was just for emissions correct?
In my theory..the less often the injectors open, the less wear on the pintle and ball/seat.
In what conditions are pilot gone? I do NOT at all expect you to give away all of your knowledge gained from your personal testing, but if you care to share that would be cool.
My pilot goes away above 2400rpm's and 85mm3
I think I remember you saying the engine wasnt happy with pilot gone when it was cold. Im curious what you consider cold? Ambient temp. wise. Like cold= engine hasnt been run in 12 hrs in 70* ambient temps. or like cold= engine hasnt been run in 12 hrs in 20* ambient temps. or like cold= engine not at operating temp with 70*+ ambient temps.
Cold as in first fire of the day...I loaded my pilot off tune at night, went to bed, got up for work, went out and fired her up (ambient was 55*) and she fired up but white smoke, missing and generally unhappy.
Again, if you dont want to share I understand.