External wastegate in compounds question


New member
Oct 4, 2010
Hey guys I am about to put some 125hp sticks in my he351/s400 compound setup on my 06 cr and was wondering if a Tial 38mm wastegate is gonna be big enough to prevent my 351 from any damage or relieve enough drive pressure. Anyone running this gate in a similar setup? I just bought one for 200 bucks but am starting to have second thoughts because I see there are much bigger e-gates out there like 44mm and 50 mm ect, also the 351's internal gate is bored out to 1" so should I keep that functional as well? The gate will exhaust back into the inlet of the s400
I'm not sure but I'm running a JGS 50mm with my 62/65-475 setup and it works extremely well. Hopefully someone else will have some experience with the smaller gates
My 38mm can drop boost from 60psi to 35psi on my 62mm, so I think you'll be ok.