Fianally Fired my truck...

O beleave your rite.Is lynn going to put a bigger cam in this winter and a bigger charger.

he's got so many different plans and Idea's running around in his head, I don't know what he is going to do. I don't think he knows either, lol.
I'm the same way I just can't do much with out the greene stuff.I have alot of part to put together to keep me going for now after I pit a clutch in my oldford have a disk center comming apart never fails getting the garage ready painting it gloss white sure brightening it up alot only have 1/2 down,

Well after our General Meeting with KOTTPA the other night, I believe He is going to go with an S465 charger and just run the 2.5 class. Our Super Street class has been demoted to a class that can be added to the venue only if the promotor wants it to be. But I would say it will not get added but maybe a hand full of times.
O beleave your rite.Is lynn going to put a bigger cam in this winter and a bigger charger.


Yeah going to get my short block to the machine shop as soon as funding allows. And get it worked on. Planning on going with a Diesel Pro cam and a S465. that should help me out alot. That gear change really helped too.

he's got so many different plans and Idea's running around in his head, I don't know what he is going to do. I don't think he knows either, lol.

Bragg you made me proud the other day. I just wish we had more pulls to go too.. But oh well start countin down the days till season starts again. And Ive got another idea circulating about doing a quick change twins set up. Will take a little trial and error but I think it can be done. :evil
The truck looks like it ran great in the video Lynn! Im anxious to see how it does next year. You need to put some 1/2ton springs on the front of it to lower it in the front a little bit.
The truck looks like it ran great in the video Lynn! Im anxious to see how it does next year. You need to put some 1/2ton springs on the front of it to lower it in the front a little bit.

Thanks Josh
Yeah Im planning on changing the look of it a little. Ill drop her a little in the front then add some rib style tires out front so I can be able to steer a little better. Right now the front end wants to skate across the track somthing bad. :bang
But I should have her going good hopefully by mid season next year, But Im off to a good start.

Is the front alway's going to the same side if it is going to the left put the weight alittle closer to the left side of the bed.If it goes to the right place the weight closer to the Rightside.Rember if the front end is off the ground your not going to stear:umno:.
You are comming along very good for the short time you had left at the end of the season.
Do you remember what the distance was for the last pull for every run.
I don't remember what size charger you have on it now.:st:
It has a Prostreet 66 charger on it now. The truck ran straight at the last pull. What I meen by getting out of the groove is, the sled used basically plows a gloryfied ditch for the next guy. All a guy has to do is line up the "ditch line" with the center of the truck so that the plows on the center of the pan go in the same tracks. The ditch line turned back to the left on the far end. I could steer the truck pretty good till the last 15ft. thats when the front end was off the ground. I know what you are saying about moving weight around for weighted steering. We have had to do that plenty of times on out 2wd gasser.
I did it also on the minirod even though I had seperate brakes it wanted to torqe stear on some tracks.I,ll have seperate brakes on my 2wd like the mini did.
