Forced Inductions is now open once again......


Turbocharger Engineer
Sep 9, 2010
Ok guys as everyone saw, the Tornadoes last week here in Alabama were nothing short of epic. The good thing is everyone is OK. We had no power, phones, limited water in some areas and cell service was pretty much non-existent. We are all back now at work today, but we are limited to just 1 phone line right now. So please email or PM us if you can't get through. We are running the CNC's around the clock to get all the parts machined and out the door ASAP. The Tornado that ripped through cullman missed us by about 3 miles. Cullman downtown is now pretty much an open field where the Tornado took its path. Our heart goes out to the ones that weren't as fortunate.

All Garretts, Borg Warners, Turbonetic units and even Holset units will begin shipping end of the week on regular schedule again.

Thanks guys for the patience.
Yeah we are glad too. We have not stepped inside the shop since Tuesday of last week. Power was fully restored around midnight last night.
Yeah Jose thanks for the great service again today. Tom Pazak
word has it the tornado was headin your way but heard the evil scream of some of your setups and it turned tail and ran the other way........ glad you guys made it out ok.
Glad to hear everyone is ok down there! cnc huh? thats what I also do so turn up the speeds and feeds boys lol! gotta have them turbos!! I hope for the best for all the people that lost everything and loved ones!!!
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Glad to hear everyone is ok down there! cnc huh? thats what I also do so turn up the speeds and feeds boys lol! gotta have them turbos!! I hope for the best for all the people that lost everything and loved ones!!!

Yes sir....we do the production of mnay turbos for many dealers and manufactures. The CNC's here never stop....:st:
Yes sir....we do the production of mnay turbos for many dealers and manufactures. The CNC's here never stop....:st:

Thats cool man I love my work, its fun stuff most of the time,well I know where to look for a job if I ever want to move down south lol!
Good to hear everyone is ok.
I will send a pm for the housing I sent down to you awhile ago.
Wow, had no idea. Really glad to hear no one was hurt and you guys are back up and running.
glad to here you guys are ok and up and running.
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