free 12v valve cover


Too much is never enough!
Jan 7, 2008
I need a single valve cover for a 12 valve....doesn't half to be in wonderful condition, but something I can cut in half and use as a frame of reference.

I have a 24V Cover you can have....But to make it fit you may have to cut it in Half?
LOL It might be a while before I need a 24v, but I'd take it nonetheless.
Down the road I'll be looking for an oil pan and various trans pans too...
I think I have an oil pan, and probably a factory trans pan.

Send me an address.
Thank you Jesse for the 12v VC!

Anyone one else have something worth giving away?
I could use a pan yes, and I also need an '06+ Valve Cover ASAP!
I could use a pan yes, and I also need an '06+ Valve Cover ASAP!

I might have one, well I had one cant remember If I got sick of looking at and thru it away or not, I'll check thrusday when I get back in town. If I do its yours for whatever shipping cost.
I really don't need anything usable, just something to make a pattern from and use a it doesn't need to be in great shape.
How about a pan that was on a motor that threw a rod? It could be strait enough for a pattern, or maybe not.