Fuel Delivery Question??


Aug 5, 2006
What kind of flow would a 750hp 12v truck require in GPH? I'm trying to source a pump and regulator from a company trying to get into the diesels a bit more, but I'm not sure what I'll need!

I know most guys use an A1000 Aeromotive, which by my calculations, at 70psi (which is what I'll use when referencing boost for dynoing and racing) it only flows about 64GPH.

Is that enough? I can get pumps that can do 180GPH at the same pressures if need be!

I'm also hoping this will help with some of my power problems...I've been told it should!
Thanks in advance,
fulmer has done some posting on this subject just lately. i just cant remember if it is here or on tdr. i know he runs a second pump, or can. josh
Last I talked to Jim he was running an A1000 with an Aeromotive bypass plumbed after the pump! I'm going to copy his setup, but like I said, I have a manufacturer wanting to help me source a different pump!

Basically, I would like to know what is actually required, so I can find an alternative pump!

Thanks Josh,
No one knows, I think this is something we really need to think about. Maybe some of the pro-street guys will chime in, with how much they are flowing.
chris, i am still trying to get my new setup tuned right for this weekend. things are looking ok, but my seat of the pants meter is not as good as some peoples are. i had a thought of a possible prob with mine this morning that makes me sick to the stomach, lets hope that i am wrong on my assumption. i am goign to run it til it pukes and dies, then start on my plan B, which i hadnt planned on starting unti late this summer. $$ flow is what is holding me back and time. let me know if you find anything out. josh