Fuel Pressure Issue


New member
Nov 1, 2007
This is getting way too complicated! I've got to be missing something simple. So hoping you guys can help me out here.

I just installed a Walbro GSL 392 fuel pump. Draw straw, 1/2 lines all the way to the pump. Glacier Diesel 18psi check valve plumbed inline (in the return line) right after the pump.

Everything worked fine for about a week. Then I went out in the pasture to do some fencing and then fuel pressure went to crap. Even a light touch of the throttle would send it down to 0. Then it would airlock and die.
Figuring I had an air leak on the suction side I redid the fuel lines. Fired it back up and still no fuel pressure while it was running. Dropped the tank to check the draw straw to make sure it wasn't sucking itself to the bottom of the tank. Cut it a little bit shorter with more of an angle just to be sure.(it still protrudes through the bottom of the fuel canister.) Same thing. So I ordered another pump. Installed it and everything works...until a week or so later.
So now the odds of 2 pumps going bad when they initially work for a while has me thinking something else is the matter. At idle everything seems fine. I used a pair of pliers and applied pressure to the outlet hose and the pump slows down. If I put the pliers after the check valve the fuel pressure skyrockets(truck off). With the truck on it climbs very slowly.

When the truck is running it is fine at idle for a while. But once I try to drive it is when the fuel pressure goes to crap. I can't even get up to 40 before FP is down to 0. The funny thing is, even with the FP gauge pegged on 0 the truck runs great. Great clouds of smoke and still hits 38psi of boost.

The pressure was verified with 2 gauges. My Autometer 30psi and a mechanical one.

I also ran 2 14 gauge wires directly from the battery to the pump thinking I might not be getting enough voltage to the pump. Didn't change a thing.

Fuel level is down to a little less than 1/2(on the gauge). I've heard of Draw Straws having issues when the fuel level gets low, but it shouldn't be effecting it already should it?

This is really starting to aggravate me. Any one have a clue what is going on? 1/2 lines shouldn't be too big for a Walbro right? Can the vp44 return too much fuel to the tank for the Walbro to keep up with?

Edit: if all else fails the pump does have a warranty on it. Maybe I will have to return it and see if I killed another pump.

Thanks for listening!
Does most draw straw problems happen around a 1/4 tank. Can you tell if the belt is slipping.
Which belt? It's an electric fuel pump. I have always heard that issues with the Draw Straws start around 1/4 tank.
check out the check valve... . if you crimp return line does fuel pressure climb? valve may be stickin open letting fuel bypass the whole time... not 100% familiar with it.. but you have power the whole time whether the pump is making good pressure or not?
yep. same power as before I started messing with the fuel system.

And at idle if I pinch the return line it will slowly climb. I did it once when the pump was working and it instantly pegged the gauge. Now it isn't even close to that. I called the company I bought it from so hopefully I can return it and let them check it out.