Give me some input on upgrades please


1st gen moron
Mar 10, 2013
97 Dodge, ATS trans and converter with controller. Has a fuel plate (can't remember which) 64mm turbo, and for now 370 injectors and 4k gsk.

Truck is used to tow an enclosed race trailer and car. Fun truck. Question is, would a 191 delivery valve be a bad idea? Also considering a set of 5x14 nozzles.
Am I on the right track?
I've never known a 64 to be a fantastic turbo. too big to spool for the little guys, and not enough for the bigger guys.
I think Zfaylor had a similar setup to what you are describing on his shortie.
The plan was to have some fun with it, haul the cars and maybe someday put my s480 under the hood too lol
I had an s364 (silver bullet) on mine with stock dvs and 7x11s. It was OK. Highwayman put it best: too big to be a fun truck to drive and too small to make a whole lot of power. S464 was worse. 64mm turbos tend to perform well on a common rail. My truck is rather light relatively speaking so that may be a factor as well.
Try it and see if you like it. You could always sell that 64 and throw that s480 under your stock turbo with the 5x14s and 191s.
Whats the turbine side of the 64? I ran a 64/71/0.80 on mine with 5x14s daily for a couple years. Temps were very reasonable, was more responsive than the 62/71 I ran before it. Top gear would net 15 psi at 1500 rpm. Maxed out around 50. I ran conservative timing though, which probably helped the spool up. I was only at 16 degrees. If you're running 20+, your spool up is gonna suffer a bit and make it feel more sluggish than it otherwise would be.
It is a 64/71/13, I should have mentioned that. What is a reasonable guess for power? I understand of course there are a million variables in the pump tuning.

Timing is another thing I've been thinking about. Was going to try 16 and see how it goes, good starting point?
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370's tend to be hot on many setups, how are your egt's? The combination of marine injectors and 191's could end up being pretty hot and smoky. I personally would lean more towards the 5x.014 injectors. If you decide to compound throw in a set of larger DV's and you should have enough fuel to make for a fun truck. 16 degrees is a good starting point for a tow vehicle with 370's. The 155 pattern of the 370's will spray out of the bowl with too much timing, what that exact number is seems to depend on the truck, washer thickness used, has the head been decked, etc.

Good luck with the truck bud!
Thanks! Don't really have an egt number atm, haven't had a chance to tow with this combo and probably won't know til late spring. The 370's aren't going to last long, I have a feeling they won't be up to participate and 5x14s will take their place as funds allow. Thanks for all the info guys! This is a great resource