

New member
Mar 10, 2014
So the woman tells me the other day, I'm taking your truck to work on Tuesday. Why are you taking my truck to work? I promised my friend we would take her spinning bike to the resale store after we were done working out. need my truck in the small a$$ parking lots of your job and her apartment complex, but there is no talking her out of it and I was tired of arguing with her about it.

She calls me while I'm at work this evening, "Was the CEL on before today?" It most definitely was not. She tells me it is now. Of course me not being happy I immediately asked her what she did to it. She says nothing. She did say she started it before she went to work and let it idle for 30 minutes, why I will never know..

I'll pull the code in the AM and figure out what is going on. Report to follow.

Ohh and she plans on taking it to her parent's house this weekend :bang: I've got to get her back into her own truck, even if she does want a :ford:
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It turns out it was the grid heater circuit. Apparently she cycled it multiple times before she started it...


Said I would report back with what it was. My many apologies for doing so. Iz apparentlyz failz at the internetz and forumz.

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Sounds like you need to trust your wife more and quit worrying. It's a freaking truck. My wife takes mine all the time. It's insured and I can fix it so who cares.
I happened to marry a woman who is smarty than me, meaner, and has guns. She can drive my truck all she wants. :hehe:
You need it to be moar race truck my wife doesn't want to deal with the ratchet shifting spooled rear nonsense. Also