Gustine CA July 3rd

i dont get to run at this one. the girls racing at infinion. we are turning it up to run her first ever 6 second runs..
Probably going away for the long weekend, but we can't pull with VTPA anyways.

Good luck if you go Cole

I heard rumor they were leaning that way, is it indeed fact? and will they be having payouts for the Mod class?



I don't know if they are having payouts for the Mod class you will have to ask them. I know for sure in the drivers meeting this last week they said they have changed to MLM rules. They also mentioned they are open to suggestions if we had any.
any results?????

Diesel Super Street

1.Johnny Esteves
2.Cole Dow
3.Albert Mendes

I don't know about the other class but I wish they would have let Russ have a re-pull I think with the other sled out of the way for him he could have gone further.
Couldn't keep it lit in 3rd locked, unlocked then tried to lock again then tried one more time just to watch my tach and see how much rpm dropps when it locks, I have some ideas and I think I could get it in redding, that was a good test hook before redding.
Cole, what happen on that video man?

cole can you get the next size smaller housing for it or how about just leaving it unlocked in 3rd or letting it buzz in 2nd locked.. may not gain tire speed but maybe ground speed in the end..
It's got a .9 on it right now, I could do a .8 but that would be custom and would probly kill my drive pressure, but i might have one coming shortly just to try it out and see. I have ran 2nd locked which is what I will most likely do on tight tracks but when I go from 2nd locked to 3rd locked it feels so much stronger, I have also ran 3rd unlocked but that just seems to kill my wheel speed, I just need a little more hp, think I'm gonna try bigger injectors.