H&S Product For Sale

JD Dearden

New member
Jan 30, 2007
I have a "grandfathered" minimax and everything else to delete your slow ****ty dodge. Five inch exhaust, air intake, EGR say goodbye, etc...

I have a price in mind but will listen to any offer. Don't be a douch though and say 400.00 thats offensive.

Having it removed this week and need your money to pay the bill. Shoot me a pm if your interested.

Also as a added bonus you will get your **** you paid for! Timbo or anyone else you worship will back me up on that.
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I have a "grandfathered" minimax and everything else to delete your slow ****ty dodge. Five inch exhaust, air intake, EGR say goodbye, etc...

I have a price in mind but will listen to any offer. Don't be a douch though and say 400.00 thats offensive.

Having it removed this week and need your money to pay the bill. Shoot me a pm if your interested.

Also as a added bonus you will get your **** you paid for! Timbo or anyone else you worship will back me up on that.


I think the funniest part was "need your money to pay the bill". :hehe:

So, ah, bump.
How much do you want for mm?

Honestly i dont really care if i sell the mini now that i sold everything else. Mostly because i am not sure if i want to use it on my next truck or not, i like the fact it is the fuk the EPA edition....

It is a few months old...750.00

Oh ya it has the trans tunes also so it wont go into death wobble when the truck shifts.
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If you take pay pal I can pay now. Please pm me your pay pal email and ill send payment
In my opinion it's priceless. They're selling new for a lot more than a lowly 750. If you're lucky enough to know someone with inventory you may be able to get one, otherwise you're SOL!

I would only accept cash or moonshine as payment. LOL
In my opinion it's priceless. They're selling new for a lot more than a lowly 750. If you're lucky enough to know someone with inventory you may be able to get one, otherwise you're SOL!

I would only accept cash or moonshine as payment. LOL

Ok sale pending to my first PM.
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There is no other option for the new trucks, that's what makes it priceless. If you don't have money yet it's fair game.
LOL I'm curious of real market value. I like you're financial advice Jared, that was a fantastic idea of how to waste my money. LOL
Sold to Forrest. Some things are more important than money i posted the price.