Help, Truck Is Doing Something Weird


Smooth Is Fast
May 21, 2006
I just put a single 6 inch stack on my truck and have been running the Looney Tune which sounds great and get a good loud whistle. I wanted to see what my Xtreme Race file sounded like and it didn't sound as good as my Looney Tune did so I put the Looney Tune back in. After loading the Looney Tune, I noticed that it sounded like the VGT control valve was acting up. It will go from a good loud whistle and then the whistle will start to fade and then go completely out. When it goes out, all I get is a deep rumble of the exhaust. After about maybe 1 min., the whistle will start to come back and then it will gradually come back nice and loud. It will stay for around a min. and then the it will start all over again. I put the stock tune in and it sounded fine and it sounded fine on the Xtreme Race tune. I have even reprogrammed the truck 3 times with the Looney Tune and it still does it. Before taking it out, it ran like a champ now all of the sudden it's doing this. Does anyone have any ideas as to what could be going wrong?
Its completely Normal. Its the strategy that ford uses to help keep the turbo veins from sticking. Mine has done it for a looooong time. Its kind of weird at first. It is completely normal.
So, is there any dea as to why it just started doing it all of the sudden and has never done it before? I'm guessing that it won't go away either, huh?
It went into a learning mode, where you are supposed to let it run for 5 minutes. It may stop when it comes out of a learning mode. Most likely when you changed tunes, you changed strategies. Some do it, some don't. It all depends upon which flash it has from the dealership.
Thanks Tim. I returned the truck to stock and completely reloaded the files back into my XCal 2. When I put the Looney back in, it started the cycling again. I let it run for 10 min. and it seems to have gone away or not do it as often. It went for about 3 or 4 min. without doing it. Thanks again for the help.
My Tech 7 race tune does this also. Drives me crazy with the Beans wheel. I also have a Tech 5 race tune that will not do this.
Well, just an update. I have two Looney Tune files, one strong one and one that is O.K. The strong file is the one that is acting up. So I put the other Looney Tune file in the truck and it runs fine, no turbo cycling. The only thing I can think of is that the file got tweaked somehow between the time that I took it out of the truck and put it back in. It never did it before when I had it in the first time so it had to of gotten screwed up somewhere along the way. So I am just waiting on a call back from Vivian to get it fixed.
i liked it when my truck did that. it sounded pretty good. now it just sounds like crap. haha.
