Help us out.

It's a Diesel Thing, you wouldn't understand.... Never mind Billy he always looks that way!!!!

that one was for you jponder......... all others are full of gas.....
Okay Gang, May 30 is our cut off- date on this. We have some junk to order.
Come see what the "Diesel" in "Competitiondiesel" is all about at

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This is my first post here at Competition Diesel. My Welcome thread is [POST="10083"]here[/POST]. Please post all my welcome message there.


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Bringing two of the best together, Diesels and Competition, come visit us at
I like the last one the best. I guess thats what I get for thinking while I type instead of thinking first, then typing. At least when I type I can backspace and delete :)
I'm leaning very hard in that Direction!
ob1kobi said:
sweet, does that mean I own the site now?

LOL Tell ya what, if we use it, I'll make sure you own a bunch of Competition Diesel merchandise... That cool?
whatever Tim, I didn't give my input to win anything, just trying to help out.
Yeah, but its about Competition! To the winner go the Spoils! Tee-Shirts! LOL
thats cool, but its not over yet so I won't count my chickens just yet...