heres a video of my first pull. and yes its 2wd

Was it spinning alot at first, or were you just babying it out of the hole? Ended up being a pretty long pull.
it takes a bit for my charger to light. i was for the most part babying it up until around 100 feet when the smoke clears. a few people said i was spinning real slowly said it looked perfect. gave it more then i broke loose and eased back into it. i was watching most of the night and all i thought was, crap i dont think i can move this sled. truck proved me wrong. i was runnin 95% nitto terra grapplers. 350 pounds in the front of the bed. weighed in at 7140. no traction bars. pulled in 1st at 2400 rpms 35lbs of forced air. its better than a drag racing
Racine county fair lol i almost pulled my duramax until i had to work where you located
Good hook. Glad to see a few more 2wds getting into pullin.