Hi Tech Chit here

Holy hack work

Guess this was a waste lol


Sent from my flashscan v2
CNC machines are obsolete. Cutoff wheel with Hammer and Chisel is where it's at!
Good grief I've made better looking parts with a hand drill and card board templates.

It's hard to tell on my phone, but it almost looks like it was cut on a plasma table and maybe his speed or voltage was off. He did say it was aluminum.
It's hard to tell on my phone, but it almost looks like it was cut on a plasma table and maybe his speed or voltage was off. He did say it was aluminum.

You need to look again. It looks more like he attempted to oxy acetylene aluminum and proceeded to use a router with his girlfriends teef glued to the bit to do his finish work.

Here will be the new threads on the other forums:

"ZF5 trannys are junk. Keep trashing mainshaft bearings and going through clutches"
He has sold one. I guess someone wants to build a clock to mount on a wall out of plumb.
I opened up the pics to get a better look through my scratched up phone screen, you were correct its really rough.
$600 for that, is be worried the holes wouldn't line up taking into consideration his attention to detail on the rest of it.