Hot pipe to secondary seal...

B N S slammer

New member
Aug 15, 2012
I've been unsucessful getting my hot pipe to seal to my secondary exhaust flange with the V band. I've tried taking the secondary loose and the hot pipe to primary loose, but I still end up with the same leak at the top of the hot pipe... Any suggestions on how to get it sealed?
Measure your V again and make sure it matches the clamp V. If so, watch what it does when things are buttoned up for operation.
Use a piece of steel, granite or similar flat with self adhesive sandpaper stuck to it to sand both surfaces flat. Then check the clamp like mentioned above.
I found an egr gasket in 4" thin variety from an ISX Cummins fits well in a hx40 flange and vband to help seal things up.
I will get you a cummins p/n for a graphite gasket that fits the hx40 outlet. I will try to post up the p/n later today.
What about putting a light coat of red rtv around the v band clamp or would that be a bad idea?
We machined one out of a sheet of copper once, it worked well.

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Not red, if you do use the copper high temp rtv or just make it correctly. Or take Chevota's method.
Wrap it in aluminum foil then put the vband clamp on. Worked for me many times.
would any one happen to know of one for a he351cw flange? if not no worries.
The DPF trucks have seals on some of the connections, they look like they might work
I wraped it in aluminum foil but I'd rather have some sort of gasket sealent. I couldn't find anything with a high enough temp. rating...
Hardware stores sell a sealer for woodstoves. Works great and has fixed several leaks I have had issues sealing. I think it's called stove cement or something similar.