I deploy in Feb 2008


New member
May 22, 2006
My submarine that will be loaded to the hilt with over 100 tomahawk cruise missiles will be deploying for its first time ever in Feb 2008 time frame. I hope to come back with about 100 less tomahawks! :rockwoot:
Tim can your boat do that?
Where are you stationed out of? I went to Afghanistan in 2004, and man did I learn a lot. Good luck man and get back safely. Those tomahawks ain't no joke, my job is building bombs, rockets, testing air-to-air, air-to-ground missles and I can tell you those tomahawks are wicked.
I think this guy needs some comp d stickers for the tomahawks. maybe some red,white and blue ones.
SINNER said:
I think this guy needs some comp d stickers for the tomahawks. maybe some red,white and blue ones.
Thats a sweet idea. And then he'll have to take pictures with the Comp D stickers on them and maybe we could have it showing on the homepage for a few days/weeks or something!
LMAO! Where are those tomahawks going? Hmm, I don't expect that those things stay together, but Karma would leave the one piece that says "Comp D" on it, and next thing we know, we've got new members bumpin around the site. HA!
I have stickers!! If they can go on a missle, consider them shipped

Thanks for serving our country, be safe an get home healthy
WoW Luke! Stay safe!

How long are you schedule to be there?

My boats set up pretty sweet, but the Tomahawk missle launcher wasn't an option at the time. LOL Stay safe, and get home so you can enjoy the free beers.
When ever we reload I will see if I can put some stickers on them. I will let you know.
good luck man
a fellow worker just came back, he was at work visiting us, was glad to see him even though he was not a close friend, but i appreciate what he has done fo US! another class mate was just killed there last week (PATRICK WADE) of wisconsin. he was to defuse a bomb and it went off. :-(
I hate to hear that Duster...there are no words.

Luke...stay safe and come home soon.
Do you all know that Quad supports us troops? I'm telling you... just give them a call.... They gave me some crazy deals... Oh by the way, Regular Army, 1st Infantry Division, Tank Gunner...
Hey, did y'all hear, it seems Osama Bin Laden found a Comp d sticker, and was gonna log onto the website, but the sticker went off.....................

I ended my service in 2004, after 21 years so I know what you go through, and I appreciate EVERYTHING our military does on a daily basis.

And to the National Gaurd and Reserves, you guys are being abused right now, BUT I THANK YOU! And everyone else in the draft ages should be kissing you everyday, you guys are keeping the Draft from being impleminted.............
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Tolliwacker said:
Hey, did y'all hear, it seems Osama Bin Laden found a Comp d sticker, and was gonna log onto the website, but the sticker went off.....................

I ended my service in 2004, after 21 years so I know what you go through, and I appreciate EVERYTHING our military does on a daily basis.

And to the National Gaurd and Reserves, you guys are being abused right now, BUT I THANK YOU! And everyone else in the draft ages should be kissing you everyday, you guys are keeping the Draft from being impleminted.............

Wow, Id have to say that is the first time ive heard that...:thankyou2: I will be finally coming home in 2 months!!! I Will be gone all of 15months by the time i get home!.. so yeah NG is def getting shafted but everyone seems to be as well so, just take it and go with it i guess, as long as the raises keep coming every year its not so bad... but still should be better.......
Hey guys, especially those with military service, don't forget about OPSEC when posting in here. I know this topic seems innocent, but timeframe+armament+vehicle=hush. I don't wanna be that guy at the party, but we should be a little careful about what we say.
Red_ver_2 said:
Hey guys, especially those with military service, don't forget about OPSEC when posting in here. I know this topic seems innocent, but timeframe+armament+vehicle=hush. I don't wanna be that guy at the party, but we should be a little careful about what we say.
Ya pritty much just became "that guy". I don't think talking about sticker placement will give ol Hodge any idea's, but good try. :blahblah1:
Rob_Bones said:
Ya pritty much just became "that guy". I don't think talking about sticker placement will give ol Hodge any idea's, but good try. :blahblah1:
I think the point was lost on you, but it's ok......