I do not understand what happened?


New member
Jun 6, 2006
Hey there vivian,

this is nathan kim, i had the problem with the tranny between 2nd and 3rd. well at first i thought it was the tunes that were messing around with my tranny, so i took it into the dealer.... it turns out that 10 bearings had melted together. i was lucky enough to still be under warranty 35000 miles where the tranny warranty ends at 36000. i am now a little skeptical to use the your tunes again thinking it might tear my tranny apart again and the next time not being so lucky and not have my warranty. could you shed some light on for me and tell me how the tunes did that to my tranny? vivian please!

nathan kim
Hi Nathan,

What was wrong with the transmission? DJ is confused because the transmission doesn't have 10 bearings. Did the direct clutches melt?

Is it possible that you were having problems with the tranny before? Any issue that you would have had with the truck would escalate with the power.

Were you running another tuner before the Xcal2?

We want to understand also.
That would be my guess too. Any damage the tranny had before the SCT will show up magnified 100 times when oyu throw the power to it. I had an EDGE before, and that sucker fried my direct drive clutches, but I didn't notice it till about a week after I had my SCT. The SCT is good, but it can't fix whats already broken. To make you feel better I have 65K miles on a new tranny all with the SCT, and most of that with the looney tune. It still shifts perfect, and I have not been easy on it.
Hi Nathan,

We just looked over all our email communications with you and your tunes but don't see anything that would create a problem. Also, I responded to an email from you on February 1st asking for your telephone number but never got a reply.

Please feel free to call us 352-528-0688 or PM me a telephone number and we will call you.
