I saw a zerba..... Now want to know how it got there ;)


New member
Feb 27, 2010
K I wanted to start doing thing to the interior of my 97 and a guy showed me a pic of his truck and the..."overhead fabric" whatever you call it.... He had changed to this crazy zebra pattern.... I am not going to do a zebra pattern.... But I want to change the fabric :) But I'm not a pro sewer... How do you change the fabric? Is there an easier way than another to do it?

Also if any of you guys have any cool interior things in your trucks feel free to post them in this thread ;)

Find someone local to you that redoes headliners (we have one in my town).

P.S. this thread will be mooved to the Accesories forum pretty soon-
Ah damn it.... Sorry I'm kinda new and don't know where the hell anything is.... And I live in a small town.... And pretty sure no one does this kind of work....
Pull off old fabric, glue new fabric on. TA-DA!

I just had a new headliner done on my 12v and they charged me $30, so if you have someone in town they can do it cheap, if not, its not a big deal to do yourself.
Just be sure to use good spray adhesive... Like 3M, it is around $10 per can but works great, just follow the directions...
Is it like plastic or something under the fabric? Could I take it out in one piece ? That way I am not doing things upside down...
Well looking at it today I see that I have to take like.... Everything out just to get the thing out..... And I stubbled across this fabric paint on eBay.... Anyone tried this? It says it still feels like fabric, doesn't rub off, and things like that..... It's like spray paint so it would be easy to do.... But if it's **** I don't want to do it ;)
Spray on fabric is like spray on hair... everyone will know its not real, just do it right or dont do it at all. LOL
pulling the headliner on a reg or ex cab cant be too bad. now what about a CC? last i heard i had to pull my rear window to get my headliner out on my ford.

i have done 2 headliners, easy! hardest part is getting them out and back in.

Glad you made it over Jonny!

The Nahera guy does this stuff here. Just shoot me a text and we can talk.
it was funny getting it in and out in my Club Cab......

some precision folding and bending was used
I used to do headliners years ago in my mom's upholstery shop. You need to find 3M 76 spray adhesive. Trying to be cheap won't work. You'll probably need 1.5 to 2 cans. Pull the headliner out and remove the foam backed fabric from the headliner board. Be careful around the visor hole areas because it breaks easy. Make sure you get all of the foam off using a steel brush or stiff nylon brush. I'd recommend using the foam backed material again or vinyl or a nonporous fabric, since the glue will bleed through on other fabrics if your not careful. Spray the glue on both the board and the back of the fabric in one direction. Then spray perpendicular to the first direction so it interweaves. Allow to dry for 15 minutes then lay the fabric on the board. Do not stretch the fabric, just lay it on. Re install.
pulling the headliner on a reg or ex cab cant be too bad. now what about a CC? last i heard i had to pull my rear window to get my headliner out on my ford.

i have done 2 headliners, easy! hardest part is getting them out and back in.


Yes, you have to pull the back glass. However, on a Ford, its as easy as pushing it out. Pull back the trim panels and you will notice that there is a rubber lip rolled over the cab sheet metal. Start at the top, fold the lip down and push the glass, while working your way to the sides. Have someone in the bed to catch it.

Follow this for the reinstall. http://www.fordmuscle.com/forums/interior-articles/496388-installing-rear-glass-sliding-rear-glass.html

Always remove all the pillar trim when removing a headliner.

Stay the hell away from interior fabric paint.