In cab indicator lights triggered off a hobbs switch


Active member
Aug 10, 2006
There's no good spot I could find for this question since I'd like to get all makes (and views) on this question

So, I'm looking to hook up a hobbs switch not to turn on a device or active a system, but to indicate proper pressure has been reached with a simple light of some sort.

I'd like this light to be visible during the day and at night with out blinding me.


Incandescent or LED doesn't matter.

This application will be for my water system. I'll get an adjustable hobbs and tune it to where the water pressure should be at WOT. It would be nice to know that the water runs out/ pressure isn't there with a simple light like this without reading a gauge. So it comes on at WOT, so that means it can't be a distraction to my visibility while driving "on the track". should it be dark out. ;-)
I wired mine to a hobbs switch, and put it in the pillar next to my boost gauge. I could tell the light was on without having to directly look at it, and didnt blind me either.
here is a pic of my fuel pressure warning light, hooked to a hobbs switch in my case i used it for fuel pressure, if the pressure dropped below 12 psi it would turn on the auto meter warning light


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here is a pic of my fuel pressure warning light, hooked to a hobbs switch in my case i used it for fuel pressure, if the pressure dropped below 12 psi it would turn on the auto meter warning light

ahh, but damn, that's ugly hanging out off the gauge like that. . ;-)

anyone have a more "cleaner" install for
Here's where I mount all my indicator lights.


The 3rd gen shows lock-up and the 2nd gen shows when the water isytem is on and at full voltage on the controller.



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Here's where I mount all my indicator lights.


The 3rd gen shows lock-up and the 2nd gen shows when the water isytem is on and at full voltage on the controller.


Kinda what I was looking for

Easily visible at day and night? what kinda of lights are they? where I can get them? Hobbs switch-able I'm assuming.
I would mount the hobbs switch on a hose of some form. The vibrations from the motor have been known to make the switch jump on and off.
Kinda what I was looking for

Easily visible at day and night? what kinda of lights are they? where I can get them? Hobbs switch-able I'm assuming.

Yup day and night, I got mine at Radio Shack for about $2/each and yes mine were ran off a Hobbs switch.
On this subject. Where does one get adjustable hobbs switches at for a reasonable price?
I would mount the hobbs switch on a hose of some form. The vibrations from the motor have been known to make the switch jump on and off.

That's the plan. I'll be mounting a isspro pressure gauge on a T remote of the water manifold
I've never liked using pressure switches, cheap ones especially, on a fluctuating or fast-changing pressure source. Some of them, like the Barksdale Little General in the center of my tool box rail, are just clunky and wonky. Set 'em to 50 PSI on a solid air supply, but if gets an air bubble in it it'll water hammer against the contacts and not get a clean signal until 70 PSI.

I prefer to use a pressure transducer, a comparator and a potentiometer. The pressure transducer outputs a voltage or amperage proportionate to the pressure, then a comparator turns something on when the transducer's signal gets above the potentiometer's signal. It tends to be more reliable and cleaner that way, and you can mount the little pot wherever you want.

Might want to consider a buzzer instead of a light; that way you don't have to take your eyes off the road.
Hmmm buzzer...... Not a bad idea either. and you can hide the bugger.

Rarely, if ever is the stereo on when "going fast" so that might just be a really good idea
I got my indicator lights from radio shack as well. you can get a variety of colors and sizes rather cheaply.