industrial injection Super CP3 Grand Pooh-Bah

There are some around........ not worth the money- wickeds or floor it stage 3 or 4 will flow the same and costs ALOT LESS.
Great pump! A lot of work needed to retrofit it but it flows a ton of fuel way more than a stage 3 or 4. It's pricey but you would never drain your rail EVER!! Guess it would be like a stage 8
how reliable are they? could you use it on a truck that gets a few miles put on it
Great pump! A lot of work needed to retrofit it but it flows a ton of fuel way more than a stage 3 or 4. It's pricey but you would never drain your rail EVER!! Guess it would be like a stage 8

They aren't as big as everyone thinks, I have had the biggest one Bosch offers apart.

Please re-read post, I asked if that was a Modified 3.4 CP3 or a STOCK 3.4 CP3?
I think Shane is telling you that is a factory Displacement. That is what he starts with. A cake baker will not tell his secrets. He put in the man hours to get the product out for people to use.
We don't care about factory displacement, we want to know the flow of modified CP3's and Modified CP3.4's not STOCK!
I think he is saying industrial does not increase displacement they just increase flow so the displacement would be the same on a stock and a modified cp3.4
Looks like to me he is showing the displacement of a STOCK CP3 and the displacement of a STOCK CP3.4

My question is he showed a 50% increase over the stock cp3, but what about the modified CP3.4's what are they putting out in flow and displacement?