Injector Cleaning. Pics.


Jan 22, 2007
I sent my injectors off to Mumau Diesel for cleaning and pop pressure testing. The pressures were anywhere from 3770 to 4050 (260 to 280). So, they are all reset and matched and I thought I'd post up some nice camera phone pics of my tips. :D







Camera phone my butt. :shake::hehe:
What is actually used (by those with the abilities) to clean them? Ultrasonic?

What model of camera did you use for those pics? :hehe:
why would they come back with 7 holes if he sent in 8 hole injectors? Im just wondering?
What is actually used (by those with the abilities) to clean them? Ultrasonic?

What model of camera did you use for those pics? :hehe:

Don't know. Didn't ask. By the looks of the rings, looks like something abrasive that rotates around them? The camera is a Scienscope or some crap that we have in our lab. We use it to photograph cracked gains of salt that we solder on circuit boards. :D

Too bad they didn't come back with 7-holes.

Long story. My man took care of me, but long story. :hehe: Somehow the 7 x 10's I got were still on the table and I got stock nozzles or something. Let me tell ya, stock nozzles on this truck with mods EFFEN SUCKS!!! LOL It smokes like a freightrain constantly, MPG dropped 1.5 mpg, the EGT's won't break 1100F (it idles at 282F), and max boost is 30 psi (instead of my normal 43). So, we decided to just clean mine and put them back and save some more shipping and swapping. I'll do new nozzles later when I can afford it better. It is all good.

why would they come back with 7 holes if he sent in 8 hole injectors? Im just wondering?

See above. ^^^^^

Some of the holes look a little "wallered" to me. Some of them aren't nice, clean, machined edges. I realize they are microscopic, but how better would a new set of nozzles look? Anyone got pics of a set of nozzles that are new? And not a pic off someones website. The burgers at McDonalds never look like the commercials, I want real life. :D
I'm out for the weekend. You all have a good one and post some useful chit while I'm gone. LOL

And what do you "chuck" these babies up in to test pressures? Do you use an old block and lines or what?
word!! If I had a camera that took pictures of cracks on salt I could snap a few pictures, but they would end up looking like a quarter pounder.
I'm out for the weekend. You all have a good one and post some useful chit while I'm gone. LOL

And what do you "chuck" these babies up in to test pressures? Do you use an old block and lines or what?

Its a hollow nut looking thing with a connector much like your fuel connector tube. The injector is mounted in the center of the nut and then you tighten the tube into the feed port on the inj. body. I'll take a picture of it some time and post it up here.
I used a brass wire brush on the tips, and a pungent solution of various chemicals to soften the carbon. Then run the applicable size wire through the holes to clean them.

Wes... I only cleaned seven of the eight holes :hehe:

Thanks Jory. Let me know how it runs.
That camera is A++. I'm going to be sending you some weird chit down for pictures:hehe:, please don't ask, or.... post them here.
WTF that camera looks like it could take a clear picture of a flea's arse!!!!
WTF that camera looks like it could take a clear picture of a flea's arse!!!!

:hehe: That just took place of the saying that I use ALL the time "tighter than a mouses ear". It has been modified to "tighter than a fleas ass." Thanks R.D. :hehe:

Well, they runs great. However, my truck still smokes constantly and won't make 43 psi anymore. I checked all I.C. boots for leaks (none) then cleaned the air filter (wasn't bad). WTHeck? I loved my truck at one time but lately it has become more of a "like you lots" type of relationship. Dang thing. I don't even want to drive it because I literally cannot control the smoke. Edge box on 0, 1, 5, SOOT! Intake manifold bolts are tight. I leak checked it all with soapy water and an air compressor at about 10 psi. Of which is another deal.....the blade runner is cast aluminum....the caps that screw in the top are steel (or some alloy). Steel fasterners in threaded AL is never a great idea. Why? Cause you'll strip the threads and get all mad. :bang Then it will get dark and you can't see. Then you decided that you'll put your truck in neutral and push it down the hill about 900 feet and sink it in the bottom of a 35 foot deep pond and buy a horse to ride to work. *bdh*
Hey Jory. Dunno bout the weather up there but down here it's 106* and 35-40% humidity and my truck hazes like a SOB. Also, what are the sub levels on the comp set at?
Might talk to Weston about those 7 holes.

My problem isn't injectors, I thought I just proved that. My injectors have been cleaned, checked, poped, installed with care. The truck has slowly be degrading. Hopin' it isn't the death-trap 44.
Hey Jory. Dunno bout the weather up there but down here it's 106* and 35-40% humidity and my truck hazes like a SOB. Also, what are the sub levels on the comp set at?

The temp yesterday was 68 in the morning and about 85 in the afternoon. :shake: Hardy har har. No joke. Beautiful weather here. True statement, the truck does run better and haze less in cold weather, but this is crazy haze, to the point where I'm embarrassed to drive it. I can image the "hey, look at the piece of chit" comments all day long from other drivers. The comp is normally set on level 2 with low boost on 2. I tow with this and normally like this setting. With the 7 x 10's that I got (whatever they were) worked best on level 4 with LBF (low boost fuel) set to 1.

PLUS mpg has dropped over 1 mpg lately from 13.9 to 12.8 on between the last two tanks.
Wise man say when tightening steel fasteners in soft metal torque wrench is your friend :D Not to mention the design of the intake gasket is such that overtightening the bolts can cause leaks.
Wastegate ? Stuck openish. Bad actuator? Can you get to it on that charger with it installed?
I've read that electronic death/weakening of vp-44 often times has to do with its ability to adjust timing with changing conditions. could be attributed to more smoke than normal, low power, low boost etc.
I've read that electronic death/weakening of vp-44 often times has to do with its ability to adjust timing with changing conditions. could be attributed to more smoke than normal, low power, low boost etc.

It's ability to change timing actually is a cause of death in a VP44???
I worded it wrong...

the sometimes slow death or weakening of the vp-44 is due to it losing its ability to adjust the timing. i dont know for sure, its just what I have read. weak/dying vp's blowing more smoke, making less power and its because the electronics responsible for adjusting the timing within the pump go bad.

maybe someone with better knowledge of the vp44 can confirm or bust this myth