Injector question/comparison

Btp 2332

New member
May 3, 2008
This is not another whos better etc thread by any means. Question's I have if anybody can answer is greatly appreciated. I am running Ddp 75lpm comps in my 98 12valve. Im not so much worried about horsepower numbers from the company im interested in liters per minute which I already know what mine are. Does anybody know what ddp 75lpm injector size are? Would they be a 5x016? I dont have anything to measure the hole diameter at this time. Now my dad is running Sdx 5x018. Sdx doesnt give there injectors a horsepower or liter per minute stat on there website, they list this injector as 179% over stock. Is there a way or does anybody know what the lpm is on a Sdx 5x018? Im hoping somebody from Sdx will see this and jump in. I called the other day but they must have been very busy and I was at work also. Last question, when getting into injectors the size of 5x018 or even a 5x20 is a 13mm pump a must or is it just beneficial? Were both running 12mm pumps at the moment. Thank you in advance,
Brian Pazak
Ok I guess I dont understand the math here, mine are 75lpm your saying sdx 5x0.018 is 5lpm. Two companies measure lpm different here? Looking to try a bigger sdx stick then my ddps but not going to pull the trigger with out some logic.
13mm pump adds about 125 - 150hp over the 12mm. Runs cleaner with the same sized injector, but is a bit touchier on the throttle. Difference is more noticeable with larger injectors. 4.3 lpm injectors will make around 1k hp with a 675-700cc 13mm pump and good air.
Great peice of info Ron thank you. I wish I knew how much these 75lpm ddps were actually making lpm wise so I knew where I was and what I would try next. May just keep the injectors and look towards a pump over winter.
Smokem says 5x0.018 flows "about" 5.0lpm and my 7 holes are supposed to flow more than my 5x.018s. So Im confused lol 5.0lpm is a strong injector for sure!

EDIT: I like the feel and performance of the 7x.015s w/lift and stroke increases over the 5x.018s with lift, running a 12mm pump. If running a 13mm pump im sure the 5x.018 would be a better choice.
A VCO nozzle often has a higher flow rating, yet may also produce less hp than a Sac type nozzle.
Should look something very close to this, I can assure you they flow more than 3.2LPM.

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After a couple PMs lol Smokem believes I was miss informed in my injector builders text. And mine flow 5.2lpm not 3.2 lol
Lol thats a big difference. I thought 3.2 was low for that size but what do I know
Sorry for semi-jacking your thread man. But you should look into some 7-holes lol
I do like the 7 holes but I would like to do some dyno testing on the 5 vs 7 hole sac nozzles on a piston with a wider bowl.

We are gonna dyno a set of 5x14 vco vs the 7x10 sac on stock pistons in about a week in a half on BlackSkyRacing's truck.