Input Shaft


New member
Nov 26, 2009
i know im going out on a limb here asking this question, but does anybody have a drawing/blueprint on the dimensions of an input shaft? reason asking is because i dont wanna pay 700$ for something i can make for around 100.
How about you buy a used stock input for $30 and make an identical piece out of better material.

You'd be hard pressed to buy the materials to make a billet input for $100.
i dont think a used would be a good idea just because the fact that im sure theres been some wear on it, giving me diff specs. the upgraded shaft is there a difference in number of splines?
Just because there's wear on it doesn't mean that you can't figure out what the dimensions are from it.
you dont think theyre would be wear on it? i would think the tolerances would have to be a bit tighter than say a simple washer was being made?
Make a shaft and hub for $100? I suppose it is possible, but I don't see making just one for that price, not after paying for heat treating and everything else.

I had prints at one point, but not sure where they are.
you dont think theyre would be wear on it? i would think the tolerances would have to be a bit tighter than say a simple washer was being made?

That isn't what I said. Wear should be minimal if there is any, and you should be able to figure out what the original dimension is anyway based on what you measure off of a used one. Things like this happen every day.